The girls have something important to tell you about propolis…

What is propolis?

Propolis is a safe natural health product made in the factory of the amazing bee which has taken at least 40 million years to perfect the recipe. It is free from any side effects and its use by man can be traced back at least 3,000 years. Its use was recorded in ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt; was documented by Aristotle, and the bible refers to the therapeutic effects of tzori (Hebrew for propolis).

How do bees make propolis?

They collect a sticky resin from leaf buds or bark of plants which make it to protect themselves from disease. Using their saliva,they mix the plant resins (55%) with etheric oils(10%),wax(30%) from their abdominal glands and small amounts of pollen(5%) They carry this in moulded pellets on their legs back to the hive where they use it for protection of the colony; sealing gaps and disinfecting the hive, plugging the honeycomb cells where the hatching eggs require sterile conditions for the developing young. They also use it to embalm intruders to the hive rendering them sterile and unable to spread diseases.

What does propolis contain?

  • all the known vitamins except for vitamin K, fourteen of the 15 minerals that the human body requires for normal function.
  • phenols and flavonoids which are Nature’s most powerful health products
  • caffeic acid which are anti-allergy agents

Despite the obvious benefits, there is no way for man to synthetically recreate the properties of honey, pollen, propolis or royal jelly. In fact it contains certain compounds which are so complex that they have yet to be identified and categorized.

What are the properties of propolis?

  • antibiotic, fighting infections in every part of the body
  • anti-fungal,(especially Candida)
  • anti-viral
  • anti-inflammatory
  • anti-allergy
  • anti oxidant-destroys the free radicals that contribute to aging.

Bee propolis is reputed to:

  • heal infections
  • lower blood pressure
  • regulate hormones,
  • stimulate the immune functioning
  • anaesthetize locally
  • reduce spasms
  • strengthen capillaries
  • decrease plaque in arteries

Which conditions can propolis treat?

Propolis is used to treat over 300 diseases and has the ability to directly destroy penicillin-resistant staphylococcus.

An incomplete list includes:

Allergies, Asthma, Arthritis, Angina, Acne, Blood Pressure (high) Bone healing, Bronchitis, Burns, Candida Albicans infections, Colds, Dental problems (pain from mouth ulcers), Eczema, Gastric Ulcers, Gastrointestinal infections and parasites, Goitre, Gum infections, Hay Fever, Immune System (under or over active conditions), Influenza, Lung and throat conditions, M.E. (chronic fatigue), Sclerosis, Nails and hair growth, Peptic Ulcers, Psoriasis,Rheumatoid Arthritis and Corona.

How can propolis be administered?

Propolis is not very bio-available in its raw form. After extraction in alcohol, the tincture is rapidly absorbed and acts quickly. It is also available in a non-alcohol base, Propolis tincture can be taken by mouth or applied topically in liquid or cream form.

For a dietary supplement 10 to 15 drops three times per day, For intensive apitherapy the equivalent of 1.5g raw propolis daily.

How do I look after my propolis tincture?

Propolis is itself a preservative, so it last well. It is best stored in an airtight container, in the dark and away from heat. Even after a year it will be as good as new. Dont mix old with new propolis.